
End of Flats Challenge: Reflections


The end of the flats challenge was last night.
I am very relieved to be able to use my other diapers, as easy as flats were.

Here are a few random thoughts on everything:
* Regular flats are easier to wash than receiving blankets but the blankets were usually more absorbent and would fit bigger kids better.
* It would be extremely hard to hand wash every single day and not give in to just buying some disposables instead. I would be interested in trying the challenge for a few weeks instead of one to see how many people can really last on a more long term scale.
* Rowan was less rashy in the flats than she has been in pockets. I put an Easy Fit on her this morning and she got rashy in it whereas she never had a rash in the flats.
* Having a diaper sprayer really took the edge off. I couldn't imagine not spraying the diapers at all, no matter the type of poo.
* Kudos to any working moms and especially the single moms out there who got through the challenge. I do not think I could do it as a working mom. There just would not be time in the day and few childcare providers would put flats on your kid or change them often enough to make it worth it.
* Cloth diapering can be SUPER CHEAP. Holy crap. For me anyways, a handful of FREE receiving blankets. The flats were $5. The Econobum cover I originally paid like $2 for, new. The Thirsties cover I bought secondhand for maybe $5 (it might have been a trade though). The wool covers I made myself and spent maybe $5 on sweaters to make them (with material leftover). The blankets would continue to fit Rowan for a long time (they even fit my 3 year old son as you can see here.) but I would only need to make larger wool covers when she grows (if I wanted to). Pretty awesome!

A recap: I used 6 real flats and the rest receiving blankets. I washed every morning except for once when I washed at night. I did not use a snappi except for two times. I used pins or I padfolded. I had one Econobum cover and one Thirsties Duo wrap that I used. My husband used a Flip cover once when the Thirsties cover was on the line drying. I used Gerber flats as doublers for night and for when I thought we'd be out of the house for a while. I kept an extra flat or blanket and cover in the car "just in case".
My wash routine was tub almost halfway full with hot water, Sun powder detergent filled halfway to the 1 line. (I did rinses before and after as well.) Hang dry everything every morning and it only took a couple of hours for everything to be dry and nicely stain free.

Daddy changes Rowan into a padfolded flat in an Econobum cover.

A part of me wants to get more flats, actual flats (and cute ones) but I have too many diapers to justify it.
I loved hang drying though and it would be great to skip the dryer all together to save money. I will definitely do the challenge again next year, I think.

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